Dear colleagues and friends,

It is a great honour to host and organise the 32nd Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society. Our health care system more than ever needs solutions building on combined domain knowledge from clinicians and medical scientists. This conference strives for accelerating the solutions for tomorrows orthopaedics.

We look forward to welcoming you to Aalborg.

Ole Rahbek and Søren Kold
Conference Chairs

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Late-breaking abstract submission

Late-breaking abstract submission is open until 15 August



Register and find more information on registration types and fees for EORS 2024.



Curious about what’s in store? Check out our preliminary program for a sneak peek.

Late breaking Abstract Submission

Late breaking abstract submission is possible within XX-XX. 



Register and find more information on registration types and fees for EORS 2024.



Curious about what’s in store? Check out our preliminary program for a sneak peek.

Important dates

Abstract Submission Extended Deadline: 

Early Registration Deadline

Late-breaking poster abstract submission:

 15 May 2024

1 July 2024

15 August 2024

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AAU facilitates interdisciplinary research, education, and entrepreneurship for researchers, students, and collaborative partners. Our goal is to create sustainable solutions for the world.